Are you new? Here are some options for getting connected at King’s Delight Global Ministries...

Attend New Member Training

At least twice a year, the membership/discipleship course is taught by the Senior Pastor. Sessions last about three hours and are followed by pizza lunch with the pastors. Look for the next membership class in the weekly Sunday bulletin. Childcare is provided.


Explore Ministry Opportunities

Become involved in one of the many opportunities to serve at King’s Delight Global Ministries. The best place to get started is to fill out the Contact Form on our website, or pick up a Ministry Explorer Card at the Information Center. The ministry coordination team will follow up with you to help you connect to the ministry that is right for you.


Join a Small Group

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread and in prayers.” The purpose of our small group ministry is to provide fellowship and spiritual growth. Visit our Small Groups page to learn more.